The Planet of White Star and the Planet of…

Marianna Gorelova

We learn colorology on adventures to distant planets.

In the year 2221, for the first time in human history, the decision was made to send a group of students of an Art School into an interplanetary journey.

Inhibitors of the Planet of White Star, Oddballs, will teach young artists how to use colors in art, tell them about the nature of color, harmony of color and the importance of tonal contrasts. For us, those from Earth, the art of Oddballs may seem quite…alien.

But what can we learn from Constructors, inhibitors of the Planet of Black Star, where there is a perpetual solar eclipse and day is always night? Constructors will teach us to see the shape of an object, its proportions and proportions of its parts, and the positioning of its lines. Also, how to create a human model out of wood, and out of metal junk – a model of a spaceship!

